Search Tips

Spend 5 minutes reading the text below and you're well on your way to a cheaper trip!

Use calendar search
If your travel dates are flexible, you can use calendar search.
This gives you a quick overview of the cheapest fares on the days around the chosen dates.

Fly out and back from different airports
It will usually be an advantage to fly home from a different destination than the one you flew out to, because in many cases you will not stay at
the same destination for the entire duration of the trip. This can save you both time and money as you will not have to travel back to your first destination.
If you rent a car, it is often possible for a small fee (or for free) to return the car a different place from where you picked it up.

Look for the "yellow prices"
If you are under 26 years or a student, you can buy a KILROY ticket for youth and students.
These tickets are very flexible and you can change travel dates and in most cases also travel route/destinations. In addition, the ticket is also refundable.
Since this type of ticket can be purchased as a one way ticket, you can even create your own itinerary, consisting of one way tickets.
Although KILROY tickets in some cases are more expensive than 'ordinary' tickets, we still recommend that you buy a flexible ticket.
We know from experience that flexibility is very popular and frequently used by youth and students - especially if you are away for an extended period.

Combine oneway tickets
Within Europe and on domestic or shorter routes it's often a good idea to combine oneway tickets to get a cheaper and more suitable journey. You will usually get more flexibility in terms of flights and fares offered and will also be able to combine different airlines which are otherwise not possible to buy as one (return) ticket.
For international routes it's more common for airlines to offer discount for return tickets, but sometimes it's even possible to construct a better journey based on oneway tickets for these routes.

Use as little time traveling as possible
Check the total travel time and the number of connecting flights when you compare prices.
Sometimes it's worthwhile spending more money on the airfare, but in turn save on the cost of food and drink at transfer airports.
Another advantage is that you often have more time at the destination when travel time is shorter, and you'll be less tired than after a flight with long travel time.

Make reservations early
Unlike what many believe, tickets are rarely cheaper closer to departure. On the contrary, the cheapest tickets are sold a long time before departure,
and no commercial airlines offer "last minute prices" shortly before departure.
So if you find a good price, we recommend that you book it immediately
- it is very unlikely that you will find one that is cheaper, and you risk not being able to find the price again if you wait until the following day to book.

Contact KILROY if your itinerary is complicated (multiple destinations)
Very often it will be worthwhile getting one of KILROY's travel experts to create your ticket if you are not only travelling out and back from the same destination.
There are prices which are not available online, where it is possible to stop for free en-route.
For example, on a ticket from Denmark to Australia it will be possible to make stops in e.g. Asia and the Middle East.
There are also cheap tickets for shorter distances, which can be purchased as add-on tickets if you fly the long-haul with specific airlines. These add-on tickets cannot be found online.
So in short - if your trip is more complicated than a return or one way, it is better to contact KILROY's travel experts for a good price and more options.

Avoid peak seasons and peak travel days
If possible, try to avoid traveling during peak seasons. If you must travel during Christmas, Easter or other holidays, you are advised to book as well in advance as possible.
Often there are fewer cheap tickets on weekends, unless you go to a destination with many business travelers (e.g. Brussels), where the opposite applies.

Use the "Multi city" option to include a stop on a one way ticket
If you want to make a stop on a one way ticket, you can use the search parameter 'Multi city'.
Fill in the departure city, the city you wish to make a stop in twice and then your final destination. An example of a search with stops could be:
From Sydney to Bangkok and from Bangkok to London, which will price the trip as a Sydney-London including stopover and this is in almost all cases cheaper than buying the tickets separately.
If no prices are shown using this option, please contact one of KILROY's travel experts and they will almost certainly be able to find a good price and give you options you cannot find online.

Do not piece together your trip with separate tickets
Be careful if you book separate tickets to put together your trip.
The airlines are not obliged to offer you an alternative flight, if you do not make your onward connection due to the delay of a flight issued in another ticket.
To claim your passenger rights, the whole itinerary must be issued in the same ticket.
Another disadvantage is that usually you will not be able to check in your luggage all the way through to the final destination if you have separate tickets
and therefore you have to collect your luggage at transfer points and check in for the next flight. This is very inconvenient and time consuming.

Book all passengers in the same booking
If you are two or more people traveling together, we recommend that you book all travelers in the same booking.
If you book one ticket at a time, you risk that the selected flight is sold out before you have booked tickets for everyone.
In addition, you are more likely to be seated together on the plane than if you have separate bookings.
Last but not least, in case of cancellations or delays you will be offered alternatives for the whole group and not individually.

Always check all details carefully
Not only should you be aware of travel time, number of stopovers and transfers, before you book and pay the ticket, but you must also carefully check that all personal details are 100% correct before you book.
Unfortunately, we fairly often see that people have not been careful to check and fill in the details and in worst case the full fare is lost and a new ticket must be purchased.

Your opinion matters to us
Okay, of course this cannot be considered a search tip, but your opinion actually means something to us at KILROY!
So if you have criticism or praise, suggestions or questions in relation to reservations online or have anything you want to share with us in the online department, please mail us at [email protected]

Good luck with your search and we hope you have a good trip when the time comes!

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